What Is Lipoma Causes Removal Treatment
What Is Lipoma Causes Removal Treatment
What Is Lipoma . Lipoma is a growth of fat cells in a thin, fibrous capsule usually found just below the skin.one or more lipomas may be present at the same time. Lipomas are the most common noncancerous soft tissue growth.It can appears on any part of the body likeThigh, Neck, Chest, Arms, Buttocks and Back. Lipoma is a knot of fatty tissue that is usually found just below the skin. Lipomas are benign in nature. Multiple lipomas can be present in one person.it can also formed in internal organ and muscles. Lipomascan grow after a tissue injury or trauma and they tend to run in familiies.it can occur in middle aged or older people. It is common in children. Lipomas can be unsightly but they usually do not cause any pain, tenderness or discomfort
Risk Factors
Some risk factors of lipomas are listed below
- Gardner’s syndrome
- acidosis dolorosa
- made Lund disease
- genetics
- Cowden syndrome
Causes Of Lipoma
The exact Lipoma Causes is not known it run in families that’s why genetics factors can develop lipoma
- Minor injury
- Physical trauma
- Genetic conditions
- Gardner syndrome
- Increased alcohol consumption
Symptoms Of Lipoma
Following are some symptoms of lipoma listed below
- Soft and doughy to the touch
- Painless nodules
- Rubbery moveable growths
- Commonly occur in the neck, back, shoulders, arms
- Small and felt just under the skin
- Sometimes painful,
- Remain the same size many years or grows very slowly
- Abdominal pain
- Chest pain
- Respiratory distress can occur in relation to lipoma in the air ways
- Cord compression can also occur if lipoma develops in the spinal cord

Prevention Of Lipoma
Following are some steps to prevent yourself by lipoma
- Do not rub the areas affected by the y lipoma
- Avoid injuries
- Try to avoid to move nodules
- Proper checkup
Diagnosed Of Lipoma
Lipoma will diagnosed by Skin biopsy (A small sample of skin which will examine under a microscope)and a physical examination and look for symptoms. You can diagnosed Lipoma Removal also by following tests
- An ultrasound
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Computed tomography (CT scan)
Treatment of Lipoma
Lipoma do not generally require treatment. Because lipomas are not cancerous growths and cannot become cancerous, they do not need to be removed but in some cases treatment can be needed if lipoma gives you pain or growing then your doctor will suggests you following treatments
- Surgery
- Steroid injections
- Liposuction
The doctor injects a local anesthetic around the Lipoma Treatment, makes an incision in the skin, removes the growth and closes the incision with stitches. However a medicine named MOPICAL it is 100% pure product and have no future side effects. It control the pain Soft and doughy to the touch, Painlessnodules, Rubbery moveable growthsand other symptoms which you have. This product is by Herbal care products..